Tuesday 21 October 2008

Week 11 - Online Tools

We tried using Google docs in the Library for our weekly rosters, that way if things changed which they invariably do we could update the roster and everyone knew what was going on. This was disbanded after a while as some naughty person/people were making unauthorised changes to suit themselves which threw everything out and roster rage is the last thing a Library needs - so there is that aspect to consider with online documents that are shared around.

Zoho looks great easy to use. Being introduced formally to these online tools has made me realise that we will have to rethink our policy of charging our customers to use our wordprocessing, excel, powerpoint etc programs as some customers could be and probably are using Google docs and Zoho for free while the less computer savvy will be paying for the same service - which doesn't seem fair to me. Keeping up to date with all that is happening on the Internet is neverending and making sure Library policies and fees and charges are fair and equitable is a challenge for us all. So thank you NSWPL for this course and for indirectly alerting us to this dilemma!

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